Our Holistic Process

At Howell Financial Group, we work with a wide variety of clients including business owners, corporate executives, and successful families, just to name a few. No two clients are alike and no two financial situations are alike either, and that’s why we don’t do cookie-cutter financial services around here. We take the time to get to know you and your specific situation so that we can create highly-customized solutions to accomplish your goals. Using a simple four-step process, we’ve been helping clients like you make well-informed financial decisions for more than 30 years.

Phase 1: Discovery

You’re unique and so is your financial situation, so it’s important that we understand who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish before making any recommendations to you. This initial phase of the process centers on learning all about you, how you got to where you are, what you hope to accomplish, and what fears and concerns you may have. We’ll also share our story with you and discuss what working together may look like moving forward.

Phase 2: Analysis & Education

In this phase, we’re going to look at your goals and objectives and review all of the possible paths you could take to achieve them. Once we have a firm understanding of your options, we’ll meet with you to explain everything in detail, make sure you have complete understanding of your options, and empower you to make the wisest possible decisions with clarity and confidence.

Phase 3: Implementation

Once you’ve made your decisions on the right path forward, our team will go to work implementing everything through a process that’s designed to keep as much off your plate as possible. We’ll keep everything moving forward efficiently, and we’ll coordinate with all the necessary parties, keeping you in the loop every step of the way.

Phase 4: Ongoing Maintenance

Life changes and evolves, and the financial solutions you have in place should change and evolve with it. When you work with us, you can rest assured that well be with you through the changing seasons of life, monitoring everything that we have in place for you and making recommendations and adjustments as needed along the way.